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Money Saving Tips For People With Bladder Weakness

Experiencing bladder weakness or urinary incontinence can put a significant strain on your financial health if you're using expensive or inadequate products. Put it this way: women and men change, on average, 2 or 3 absorbent pads per day. 

However, keeping costs down without compromising on quality is possible. In this guide, we’ll look at how to save money on your incontinence items without impacting your levels of comfort, quality of life, and lifestyle. 

Saving Money On Your Incontinence Items: Prioritise Quality 

It’s often too easy to fold back onto the most readily available incontinence items on the supermarket shelves - especially if you're new to incontinence and not sure what to look for. However, relying on convenience isn’t always the answer! When you look at your supermarket’s range of incontinence products, you’ll notice their own-brand items may not be as good as some of the more expensive options. 

To find the best value incontinence items, you’ll need to look beyond your local supermarket’s shelves: specialised online retailers can provide you with an even cheaper alternative, but, these don't skimp on the quality. In fact, budget brands like Vivactive offer some items that are actually better than the premium brands, at a price that matches those of the supermarket's own brands. What's not to like?

An extra 10% off every order

At Vivactive, our customers can save a massive amount of money every month. If you thought our prices were low already, just wait until you start a subscription! With a Vivactive subscription you can get an extra 10% off your entire order, every time. They're thoroughly personalised, so you can change this and that exactly when you need to. Got too much stocked up? Pause your subscription. Need to change a few bits? You can! There's plenty of possibilities, but at its foundation, you're saving loads of money. Find out more about our line of best value incontinence products here.


Improve Your Health And Quality Of Life With Targeted Exercises 

Buying the best incontinence pads in the world will keep you dry, but let's be honest, they're a short-term solution. Buying and wearing incontinence products won't fix a weak bladder. They should definitely be your first port of call. However, pelvic floor training courses that include Kegel exercises can strengthen your bladder and reduce your incontinence symptoms. Less symptoms mean less need to purchase pads and pants, fewer purchases mean more money saving! 

Don’t Let Supermarket Choice Be Your Limit: Find The Best Value Incontinence Items Online!

Urinary incontinence is a common issue affecting up to 20% of Europeans, but, surprisingly, is still a taboo. Feeling embarrassed about bladder weakness can prevent you from accessing the care you need or find the products that could effectively improve your quality of life. 

That’s where Vivactive can help. Thanks to our custom subscription services, you can access a whole range of quality incontinence products, which are discreetly delivered to your doorstep. So, you can enjoy unparalleled freedom of choice when selecting the best products for your needs! 



Image credit: gpointstudio on Freepik