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Emma Hayes, Chelsea Women’s Football Manager talks Pelvic Floor

Pelvic floor health is a massively important part of managing urinary incontinence. It’s thought that 1 in 3 women experience leakage after childbirth but in reality, that number could be even higher. This is usually due to the pelvic floor undergoing huge stress during childbirth, which then leads to urine leaks when coughing, sneezing, exercising or just living. 

But, not everyone realises that you can rebuild and strengthen your pelvic floor. In doing so, you can begin to ease the symptoms of urinary incontinence. 

Emma Hayes, Manager of Chelsea Women’s Football Team recently sat down with Sky Sports on their podcast named ‘Real Talk’. During her interview, she explains the importance of pelvic floor health and why she’s calling for change in this space. 

“After having my son Harry, I realised it from a personal perspective. I wanted to ensure that when Melanie Leupolz (Midfielder) had a baby that she could avoid all the pitfalls that I had experienced.

Working on pelvic floor control and everything around that is critical to your epicentre, to your balance, the way you move, and the way you pee. It’s something that gets overlooked because of lack of knowledge and lack of awareness around it.

The reality is we have to deal with so many different things, the way our hips are shaped, Q angles and that we have different body parts, to the fact we have menstrual cycles, weve got ovaries, everything we have to deal with, in a much different way and unfortunately that expertise is not widely known"

(For reference, a ‘Q Angle’ is also known as a quadriceps angle. It is defined as the angle formed between the quadriceps muscles and the patella tendon).

You can watch the clip here.

If you’d like to learn a bit more about how to build a strong pelvic floor, why not try some of the exercises in our video below?


Why build a strong pelvic floor?

A strong pelvic floor doesn’t just help to curb your leakage (although that’s a biggy!) it also has a host of other benefits too. 
  • Reduces your risk of developing or experiencing incontinence
  • Helps with post-pregnancy and post-labour recovery
  • Helps to prevent organ prolapse
  • Increases your back and pelvic stability
If you’re still keen to learn more, you can find more information about how to build a strong pelvic floor and why it’s important in our blog post

In just 8 weeks, say goodbye to leaks with Vivactive Supplements

Our market-leading bladder supplements harness the power of pumpkin seed extract and soy isoflavones, blended to provide an unparalleled boost to your bladder health. Our goal was to create an affordable supplement without sacrificing quality, and that’s exactly what we’ve done. 
Formulated with only natural ingredients, our supplements fortify your bladder, experiencing a remarkable 73% reduction in leaks in just 8 weeks. While other products may require 10 or even 12 weeks to show results, we believe that's too long. Ours show symptom relief within 8 weeks.
We understand the challenges that urinary leakage can bring, and we're dedicated to making a positive impact on your life. Backed by clinical testing, our formula represents a groundbreaking advancement in incontinence management, boasting an impressive 69% reduction in Nocturia. Nocturia, a common form of incontinence, is something nobody wants. Reclaim control over your leakage with confidence and without the cost.
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